A successful week for...
...Julian, Thomas and Louie who achieved super learner, brilliant behaviour and Good Samaritan of the week. Louie's week was topped by receiving Mrs Robinson's accolade of Reader of the Week. Harley had a very impressive week achieving high standards in both maths and English. Keep up the monster…
Multiplication and me
Is your child working at Year Two expectation for multiplication? The requirement is to recall multiples of 2,3,5 and 10 upto and including the twelfth multiple. We have been improving our recall of these this week. Try asking your child questions involving these multiples to support their…
Spelling Success
A third of our class got full marks on their spelling test which featured some challenging suffixes. If your child is finding the spellings challenging aim to improve on the previous weeks score just by one spelling and focus upon that number of words. Well done to everyone who achieved their own…
Collaborative pic collage and SEAL ( Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning)
Mind boggling mass
Amazing use of facts and reasoning to complete this challenge. Well done Julian.
Well done...
We remembered the new day for library books is Tuesday!
Pic Collage
The children used the pic collage app to create their own individual creations, searching for images, applying text and images, resizing and taking photographs. Try it out at home, they loved it!
Setting the Scene
The children expertly applied their knowledge of paint to produce this living flame effect surrounding their collaborative artwork featuring Samuel Pepys.