Spelling success
Congratulations to all our high scorers in this weeks spelling test. We'll done to our most improved speller too.
The 10 lepers
We explored the story of the ten lepers through recreating the key scenes from the miraculous story.
Totally tellagami
Have a look at the app the children got introduced to today. It's a great way to develop those creative English skills alongside digital literacy and computing. Enjoy!
RSPB Workshop
On the Tuesday the 26th January the class will be venturing out into the school grounds as part as our RSPB workshop regardless of the weather. Could everyone bring into school a pair of named wellies and a plastic bag (for the dirty wellies) so we can really get back to nature.
1666 Careers Day
We asked the question " if you travelled back to 1666 what job would you have chosen?" We collected the data and analysed it by comparing results. The most popular appears to be a scullery maid. Some children even opted for a gong farmer!
Successful Spellers
Well done to our super spellers, Lewis, Nathan, Jake, Robyn, Astrid, Connie, Tayla, Aidan and Libby B and a special mention to our most improved speller Jack!
Sensory Poetry
Today we tried to recite this poem with accompanying actions. Keep memorising it to support your learning in class. Thank you Connie for writing it up.