Handwriting Blog Star
A great start to the term for this week's handwriting star. Keep it up in all your learning!
Awesome Author Assembly
A big thank you to E.R. Reilly for a great introduction to story writing through his humorous stories for children. Check out his website through the link on the Year 2 learning wall.
Blending Beautifully
Today the children have used their knowledge of blending pastels to create the conical effect on their containers to fill our mad scientists shelves.
Mega Maths Marvellous Masters.
In year 2 ( at the moment) we have twelve different levels of challenge in our mega maths weekly challenge each aimed at developing your child to become fluent in a particular strand in maths. Thank you to everyone for supporting us with this. Our children are really becoming fluent…
Sumdog Success
Well done to all the children accessing Sumdog over the holidays, reallly keeping those maths skills sharp. A special well done goes to Nathan, Connie and Lewis who have been the most accurate over the past seven days. Keep up the monster effort!
Thank you everyone for participating in our digit day
As a school we raised £182.15 for the NSPCC!
Bulging Book Bags
Please check your child's book bag they are filled to bursting with extra reading books, comprehension homework, fluency maths quizzes, spellings ( and of course our mega maths challenge for the first Monday back) plus news of our forthcoming trip! Could all homework be returned by the first…
Market Day
Wow we sold out after making over 90 of our unique, limited edition creepy critters. We made an amazing £33.85 profit!
Super Spellers
Well done to this weeks super spellers:- Aidan, Tayla, Jake, Harley, Davy, Connie, Alisha, Ruby T, Olivia, Julian, Robyn and Isabella.
The BIG Friday Sale
Don't forget tomorrow is the big sale for mini enterprise. The children will be able to spend their money ( no more than £1) on any stall of their choosing. The children will be released from classes in houses, this was decided by a draw of the four houses, Windermere, Coniston, Derwent and…