Junior Masterchef
Over the weekend some Year 5's have been busy cooking their chosen dish ready for taste testing and judging this morning.
A big well done to everyone who participated.
Year 5 learning the technique for the triple jump ready for the forthcoming athletics events.
Digging up onions
Today we have dug up the onions we planted in the Eco Garden and were amazed at how big they had grown. These onions will help us understand the different parts of a plant in our new 'Life Cycles' topic this term.
Cricket Champions!
Well done to the cricket team who won the Kearsley and Farnworth tournament. They will now go on to represent the area, in the Bolton tournament later in June.
'The Piano'
Today, we have started our new Literacy unit called 'Film Narrative'. We listened to a piece of music and looked at some old artefacts, then we watched a short film called 'The Piano' which we will base our work around.
Viking bread
Today we have been following instructions to make our very own Viking bread. We are looking forward to cooking them tomorrow and tasting them.
Bouncing Around!
Year 5 had lots of fun doing straddle jumps, tuck jumps, turns and seat drops on the trampolines at Kearsley Academy, as part of Children's University. Mrs Harris even had a go...were Year 5 impressed?
Q and A
In our RE lesson this morning, we were lucky enough to be given a talk by Mr. Roth. He talked to us about the Judaism, the Torah and answered all of our questions (some were quite tricky as well!). We all agreed that it was a brilliant opportunity for us to develop our knowledge and understanding…
Bookmarks over Bank Holiday.
Remember to read your books over the bank holiday weekend. Don't forget that you should be using your bookmarks to help you understand the stories that you are reading!
Cross Country Team
A great performance by our Year 5/6 cross country team last week at Mytham Primary School. An added bonus was the sun shining rather than muddy puddles! Can you spot a winners medal?
Coding in Computing
Everybody was fully engaged in creating their own game in our Computing lesson. Some people have been doing extra practice at home. Well done Year 5!
Viking Farmers!
Viking farmers sowing runner beans in the new class planter. Young bean plants should appear in 7-14 days. Watch this space!