Investigating Melting
This afternoon we have been investigating the length of time it takes for chocolate to melt. We put a piece of plain, milk and white chocolate in our mouths one at a time and used a timer to see how long each took to melt.
A Test of Time
This morning we have accessed a new website and answered lots of questions all about telling the time.
Our spelling words for this week. They will be tested on Friday 24th March.
This morning we have been using mirrors, rulers and pencils to investigate true lines of symmetry in a range of 2D shapes.
Multiple Frenzy
This morning we have been testing our multiples knowledge using the multiple frenzy game. There was a lot of competition between the pairs to get the highest points!
Celebrating the curriculum through display
While you are in the hall next week for your child's progress meeting why not take the opportunity to explore our curriculum boards and discover your child's strength depicted upon them. Every child in school is represented on a board. Can you find their work?
This morning we have been looking at patterns in our times tables. We circled each number in the tables we were looking at on a 120 grid and discussed the patterns we could see.
Solid, Liquid or Gas
This afternoon we have started our new topic. We have been sorting items into three categories: Solids, liquids and gases
This morning we have been writing down everything we can think of that has something to do with fairytales.