Mega maths time modeller
Our mega maths time medal winner explained why our clock showed half past seven. "The minute hand had gone half way around and the little hand was half way between seven and eight." We're very impressed!
Sign Post Maps
Today we have been creating sign post maps using our knowledge of the school, fractions and turn. Libby created this lovely map showing key rooms and features of our school. Try making a sign post map at home.
Farewell Winter
The children created fabulous artworks using mixed art techniques including paint application and collage. We'll miss our Winter display. Bring on Spring.
and the winners are...
Well done Year 1 on winning the attendance award .
Time to focus
This week the children will be learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. Try to use opportunities at home to develop these skills further.
Award Winners of the week
Well done to this weeks winners:-
Astrid for "Brilliant Behaviour",
Ruby for being our "Super Learner",
Thomas for being our "Good Samaritan"
and finally our Star Award Winner Lewis! Mrs Robinson and I are very proud of all of you.
Mrs Robinson's Reader of the Week
Well Done Alex. Great reading! Keep up the monster effort.
Phonic Circle
Today in phonics we consolidated our knowledge of graphemes by playing phonic loop cards. We all had great fun!
Mini beast invasion
We have studied mini beasts that we might find in our eco garden. We thought we might find a pesky bluebottle buzzing about the compost bins alongside spiders, ladybirds and bumble bees.
Our Flock of Garden Birds
Thanks to all the great research the children have carried out on British birds our flock of artroc birds are now complete! Look out for the starling, robin and blackbird in a garden near you.
Bird Research
A big thank you to everyone who has been researching British garden birds.
Fraction Frenzy
Fractions are taking over Year One's lives. During snack time we realised that we can quarter our snack and show it as a fraction!