Past and Present
Today we have been learning about how things have changed over time. We looked at toys and household items. It was lots of fun!
2D Shapes
Today we have been busy learning our 2D shapes. We had to draw a picture using our shapes and then count how many of each shape we had used.
Number Work
In Year 1 we work on our numbers every day. We are starting to get really good at them now. Thank you to all the grown ups who help us at home.
Number Bonds
Look at us working on our number bonds to 10. Why don't you ask us about what we know?
Busy Books
Please don't forget to return your child's completed Busy Book to school tomorrow. Thank you.
As part of our enrichment activities, some of Year 1 have been having fun playing Bingo!
Please don't forget that tomorrow is Year 1's library day. All children will need their books in school. Thank you.
How tall?
Today we have started to learn about measuring. We are working with a friend to use cubes to measure different things in our classroom.
Busy Books
Please don't forget to return your child's completed Busy Book tomorrow. Thank you.
Harvest Tasting
Today we have been learning all about Harvest. We went to church and then looked at where some of our food comes from. We also got to try lots of different fruits and vegetables. Can you tell from our faces what we thought of them?
One more, one less
Today we have been working out how to find one more and one less of a given number. We used a dice to find our starting numbers.
Number Recognition
Today we have been working on recognising our numbers. We had lots of fun at the same time!