Being Creative in Year 1
We have been thinking about the word ‘creative’ today and sharing our talents with our friends! Mrs Lomax is very impressed with how creative we all are and has enjoyed looking at our arty, modelling, Lego and writing creations
All About Me Writing Planning
This afternoon we have been writing and drawing lots of facts about us ready for our writing challenge next week!
Super Sentence Spectacles
This afternoon we have been using a super sentence spectacles to check our sentence writing. We wrote a sentence in our books and then put on our spectacles to check for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Poetry Recital
Year 1 did a fantastic job of performing our rhyming poem this afternoon!
Harvest Treats!
Year 1 are ending our RE topic on Harvest with a delicious treat! Over the last few weeks we have found out all about how food around the world is grown and harvested. We are experts on pineapples, chocolate and bread now!
Using Our Senses
Today we have been writing sentences about our senses. We wrote what we could see, hear, touch, taste and smell.
3D Shape Fun
We've been very busy looking at 3D shapes today! We're going to look all around our houses for 3D shapes too! Ask us what we have found out!!
What’s in a Number?
This morning we have been finding objects around to represent the numbers to 10.
Labelling body parts
This afternoon we have been labelling body parts. We have drawn a picture of our body on a piece of paper and used some of our topic words to help us write to the labels.
This afternoon we have been writing labels. We wrote labels for things we could see around the classroom and stuck them on. We then thought of words for each other that would make them feel nice.
This morning we have been sorting objects in different ways. We talked to each other about how we had sorted the objects and Mrs Hall set us challenges to sort them in different ways to try and catch her out.
Today we have had a space day. We built our own air resistance rockets and investigated which rocket would travel the farthest.