Spectacular number sequences
The children sequenced the colour monsters crazy number line. Some children really rose to the challenge and represented it by counting backwards , largest to smallest. Well done don't forget to keep practising your number formation https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4RhBhzFJ4Ww&list=WL&index=20&t=
A busy, busy day
A busy day filled with superhero iPads, number formation, exploring our feelings through the colour monster and recognising our numbers and colours. We also managed to get some time on the bikes and trikes. We've got this Year 1.
A great start..
Today we've had a great start, it's been a little bit busy learning new routines and getting to know each other again. We shared the story of the colour monster to help share our feelings. We met our new PE coach Mr Rostrom who will working with us every Tuesday. We will be carrying on using the…
Hi Year 1 Gang!!!
Hello Everyone!!!!!
Well it’s the last week of the school year!!!! How bonkers has this year been?
The last week of any school year is usually filled with fun things to do and play outside and I think this year should be the same!!!
In the Year 1 bubble in school we are doing a bit of…
What time is it Year 1?
This week in Maths we are looking at telling the time!!!!!!
Now I know you are all good at o'clock and maybe half past, quarter past and quarter to as well so I have put LOTS of games on Bug Club for you to have a try!!!!!!
I'm sorry it's all online but if you struggling to get access to a…
Pets, pets, pets!!!!
Pets, pets, pets, pets!!!!!
You all know about my new pet now but I’d really love to know about yours!!
-Do you have a pet?
What is it called? What does it eat? Is it a good pet?
-What would your ideal pet be?
Not everyone can have a pet so what pet would you…
Name that flag..........
Name the Countries!!!!!!
Can you…….
Find out which country each flag comes from?
Write 3 facts about each country?
Maybe research about the flags of other countries?
It's a cracker.......!!!!!!!
Do you know any good jokes to make your friends laugh?
I want to make a Year 1 joke book to get us all giggling!!!!!
Can you collect your favourite jokes….only 1 or 2 and it doesn’t matter how crummy they are!!!!!
Can you ..........?
Can you tie your shoelaces?
It is a tricky thing to do!!!
Why not give Miss Stokes and Mrs Robinson a lovely surprise in Year 2 and have a go at learning how to do it before September!
There are lots of good instructions on YouTube showing you how to do it! Mr Tumble has a very…