Super sentences created by (and read by) Finn
Well done Finn, lets see who else can rise to the silly sentence challenge.
Creative categories
The children ordered their nature finds using a range of categories which they had decided upon, size, type, where found, colour and shape. I was really impressed by their creativity.
Sunshine sorting...
We took full advantage of the last of the summer sun as we explored our school field for signs that the season is beginning to change. Using our skills learnt in maths we then categorised our nature finds.
Dem bones , dem bones, dem dry bones...
After discussing the parts of our body. We carefully thought about the parts of our skeleton and recreated the iconic funnybones front cover using precision paint application with fine artistry paintbrushes.
PE kit request
Thank you for remembering to send your child in their PE Kit today. The children behaved impeccably and looked really smart too. Tomorrow is also an active day for Year 1 so the children will be required to wear their PE kit tomorrow. Many of the children loved wearing their sporty trainers…
A massive thank you
A massive thank you to each and everyone of you for downloading the app and joining our classdojo community. During these crazy times this will be a great way of keeping in touch but also to share learning challenges for those needing to self isolate. Mrs Bostock will send messages and reminders…
The pleasure of reading
Today the children visited the school library and selected a book of their choice. Your child gets to loan the book for approx 2 weeks. Our next allocated time (due to COVID restrictions) in the school library will be 2 weeks on Thursday. I will post a reminder nearer the time so don't panic.…