World Religion Day
Mrs Faulkner and the 'Ethos Crew' delivered a wonderful assembly this morning to mark World Religion Day. Respect for different faiths and cultures is a key message that is reinforced in everything we do at Stephen's. The children did a great job - well done! Look out for the leaflet in your…
Snow Stops Play
Actually - it was the BELL that stopped play - the children would have been quite happy to stay out all afternoon.
The Daily Smile!
Come rain come shine - our pupils are always up for the Daily Mile. Well, MOST of them are - look closely and you'll spot a couple of them trying to blend in with the brick wall instead!
All Quiet on the Playground Front!
Acres of space on the playground this morning - much to the delight of our Year 3 footballers. Year 1 and Year 2 were at Chester Zoo and Year 4 were on the 'Kearsley Faith Trail' learning about different places of worship. All in all - a very easy playground duty for me.
Church Assembly
The whole school was in church this morning as Reverend Kim led an assembly on 'teamwork' and the importance of working together. Good fun with a good message!