Friday is NUMBER DAY!
Don't forget - we're marking NSPCC Number Day by swapping our uniforms for something numbered instead. We'll use our 'human numbers' for a wide variety of mathematics activities during the day. Your donations of £1 will also raise funds for this very worthwhile charity. Thank you in…
Snowballs at Dawn!
Not exactly dawn - more like half past ten - but the threat was just as real. We had great fun snowballing during morning break - some of the children are pretty good shots - I was glad to hear the sound of the bell ringing (or was that my ears?)
St Stephen's in the Snow
The view from my office window this morning. Beautiful - but take care on the roads! YES - we ARE open.
Smiling IS Infectious!
Following my assembly on Monday - which included the poem 'Smiling is Infectious' - one of the Year Two pupils brought me a lovely poster she had made at home to display in school. It certainly brought a smile to MY face (and YOURS too I'll bet). THANK YOU!
Looks Like A Good Week Ahead
Well - that was Monday! I've been in Year 4 and Year 6 today and thoroughly enjoyed myself - grammar, reading, Ancient Greeks and mathematics - not a bad mix! Speaking of mathematics - don't forget it's NSPCC Number Day on Friday!
Charity Champions!
We've just received a certificate from the Royal British Legion thanking us for our donation to the Poppy Appeal (see above). Last term, St Stephen's parents raised an amazing total of £1,700 for a range of charities including Macmillan, Children in Need, Mission Christmas and the Children's…