Spinner the spider sketches
Spinner the spider helps to remind us to remember to make connections through what we already know about a text or event and what is happening now.
Multiple tower madness
We had lots of head scratching solving and justifying our very mathematical models applying our knowledge of multiplication. Fabulous justification from Alinah.
Spellings for Friday 9th June
Don't forget that your child recieved their new spellings on the last Friday of the last term for this week. I have re blogged it just incase they have misplaced their spellings during their hectic half term break.
Phonic Screen Retests
Just a quick reminder that if your child did not achieve the pass grade for the phonic screen in Year 1 (this was disclosed in last years end of year report) they will be reassessed during the next 2 weeks to enable the correct provision to be put into place as your child moves into KS2. For any…
A partnership in learning
Wow this is amazing we have children in Year Two achieving their studyladder platinum trophy certificate. It's great to see our children eager to learn in lots of different settings. Thank you so much for all your support.