Miss Clegg's Handwriting Blog stars
Too hard to pick just one blog star this week so we have two! Well done to Connie and Heidi for this great progress in their handwriting. Their next challenge is to apply this awesome handwriting to all their learning and then maybe get nominated for Pride Award!
Wet play wiggles
Wet weather = more movement in class. Today we used the despicable me dance to wake up our brains after a very soggy lunchtime.
Winning bridge engineers
We had to create a bridge that could hold the most two pence coins. We could only use official products purchased from Mrs Faulkners supply shop using our one hundred square that could be exchanged for tens and ones. We had three products to choose from paper, paper clips and sticky labels each…
Three cheers for Year 1
We've only gone and done it for a third time. Thank you everyone.
Fabulous Fractions.
We calculated fractions of different quantities using equipment.
Challenging capacity problems
Some of us had the challenge of calculations how many more millilitres we needed so the jug contained 500ml. It was so tricky some of used base 10 equipment to help us. Well done to everyone who rose to the challenge.
Our final traditional tale is ...
...you've guessed it from the picture! Of course it's Jack and the Beanstalk!
One word... AWESOME!
Miss Clegg's handwriting blog star is none other than Jayden. He has shown an amazing improvement with his cursive letter formation.