Tudor House Project due in Thursday
Please could all 3d tudor constructions arrive in school by Thursday. Thank you in advance.
Spelling Success
Pictured above is our most improved speller. Full marks in this week's spelling test are awarded to ....Blake, Kody, Oliver, Ava, Emily, Charlie, Sienna, Alinah, Libby, Megan and Isla. Another improving speller is Anya. Everyone keep up the monster effort!
Spellings for 27.1.17
Remember that if your child is struggling to learn all the spellings please learn half of them and celebrate the words that your child gets correct based on the words they have been looking at. Every child in Year 2 is an individual and has their own strengths and areas of development. All…
Mega Maths Modeller
Amazing learning this morning based on finding the x multiple in a number sequence. Well done.
Creativity and mass
The boys created a cat using magnetic polydron. When asked the question what unit of measurement would they use to find the mass of a cat they quickly responded ' a real one we'd use kilograms and grams and our model we would use grams!'
Investigating 1666 Occupations
Who'd have thought that being a gong farmer would have been the most popular occupation amongst my Year 2 class
Dear Diary...
This week we will be writing recounts of a day in the life of a fire fighter in preparation for our work on the Great Fire of London. The word bank above will be a useful tool in supporting their writing, Many of the words featured above are part of the Year 2 age related expectation criteria for…