Reading Music
We have had our first brass lesson of the half term today. The children were reading music from the board and playing their cornets and baritones.
Miss Moss was very impressed!
This morning we had our first computing lesson.
We have been showing off our skills on Scratch Jnr.
Time travellers
We have been telling the time in school this week. We have tried really hard to tell the time in words, 12 hour and 12 hour time.
With more practice at home we could be telling the time by Christmas!
Instructions and Explanations
In English this morning we looked at a text and highlighted and labelled the features. We talked about instructions and explanations and talked about the difference.
Mission Addition!
This morning we have been in the computing suite to complete an addition challenge. We have been playing a game in which we needed to add numbers in our heads. We need to be able to partition numbers to complete the game.
Blog of the Week
Every Friday Miss Moss asks a member of Year 4 to write a blog entry. This weeks blog of the week is by Kaitlyn,
We have being doing addition and partitioning Numbers. I enjoyed it when we all did the partitioning numbers and Damien Harvey visited the school he is…
We had a fantastic morning learning all about the Romans. We looked at different artifacts, held real roman hair items and played games.
We learned all about Roman soldiers and tried to put a toga onto our friends. We sketched the roman items and dressed as romans soldiers.
Musical Talents
We have had our brass lesson this morning. We can now play the notes c, g and f on the cornets and baritones. We have started to learn our first song too!
Taking shape...
Our scarecrow is starting to take shape now. The children will be working together today to add the final touches ready for the festival on Saturday.
Miss Moss was very impressed with all of the learning logs that were done over the summer. We have had a look at the learning logs and talked about what we liked about each other's and how we could make them even better.
Music Lessons
Today we had our first brass lesson. We have tried playing both cornets and baritones to see which we will be playing. We used drumsticks to practice our rhythm and had a go at playing our new instruments.
Scarecrow Challenge
After a busy morning finding out about life in Year 4 the new class members have started to look at scarecrows ready for the Scarecrow Festival later this month. We have found out what scarecrows are used for and who uses them. We are going to design our own and decide on our class…