Image of Year 4 Trip
11 October 2017

Year 4 Trip

Year 4 have had a fantastic day on our trip. Everybody was very well behaved. A huge thank you to parents for all the effort made with outfits, the children looked brilliant. 

More pictures to follow. 


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Image of We are being evacuated!
9 October 2017

We are being evacuated!

This afternoon we are making identity labels and gas mask boxes in preparation for our trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Wednesday. 

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Image of Year 4 Journalists
5 October 2017

Year 4 Journalists

We have a class full of journalists in Year 4 today. We have written our own report on the subject of an old WWII bomb being uncovered at Pilkington Park. 

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Image of Research
5 October 2017


This morning we are finding all the features of newspaper articles in preparation for writing our own. 

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Image of Scratch
3 October 2017


We are working on Scratch again this morning with our computing expert Mr Choudry.

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Image of Mental Maths
3 October 2017

Mental Maths

This morning we have been playing a game with dice to help us add and subtract numbers mentally.


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Image of Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter
29 September 2017

Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter

Year 4 will be visiting Stockport air raid shelters on the 11th of October. Here are some suggestions of period dress for the day. The children will probably have most of these things as their school uniform. If not normal school uniform is fine. These are not compulsory. Thanks,


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Image of Spellings and homework
29 September 2017

Spellings and homework

A spelling list is being sent home with your child tonight. To be tested next Friday. There is also English homework this week, to be handed in next Friday. 

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Image of National Poetry Day
28 September 2017

National Poetry Day

This morning we have been writing our own version of a poem by Allan Ahlberg. To be performed in assembly next week. 

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Image of Hot seating
28 September 2017

Hot seating

This afternoon we have been learning about evacuation during the WWII period. We used De Bono's Thinking Hats to discuss and think about the problems, emotions and feelings and evacuee would face. This led into some hot seating, with the children asking each other some fabulous…

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Image of Gladiator Maths!
27 September 2017

Gladiator Maths!

We are testing our times tables knowledge playing a game called gladiator Maths, where the children have to be the first to touch the answer to the question with their swords (rulers). 

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Image of Computing
26 September 2017


This morning in computing Year 4 are working on coding.

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