Nets or Not?
We are investigating whether nets work to create the given 3D shapes or not...
It has been a busy Maths Week and have enjoyed it and learnt an awful lot!
Ask your child all about it.
Learning By Questions
This afternoon, as part of Maths a Week, we have been using the LBQ tablets to increase our knowledge on aspects of Geometry.
Conductor or Insulator?
In Science we have been testing a range of materials to find out which are conductors and which are insulators...
What Is The Chance?
This afternoon, we have been creating probability spinners to match given statements.
Lots of vocabulary and Maths chat involved, as Maths Week continued...
Coin Grids
We have been dealing with money this afternoon and working to complete the three set challenges for the grids of coins as part of Maths Week.
Computing in Maths Week
We have been learning about databases and using our skills to build multiplication charts.
Measuring Up?
As part of Maths Week, we have been investigating whether there is a correlation between height and leg length.
Ask your child what we found out and the methods used...