Observational Drawing
This morning we have been working on our Art project.
Our inspirational Artist for this year is Salvador Dali, ask your child for an amazing fact about him.
We have then practised our observational drawing.
Our next step will be making our drawn objects surreal.
Cards & Calendars
The children are tonight bringing home their cards and calendars.
Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Dinner...
Thank you all for supporting the Mission Christmas fundraiser today.
A great lunch had by all!
WWII Learning Logs
We have been sharing our WWII Learning Logs this morning.
Some fantastic projects, visits and resources shared.
Thank you for your continued support.
Music Performance
Our choir and instrumentalists are performing a range of their learning this morning- including a few festive treats!
Gentle Reminder
A quick reminder that on Monday 16th Learning Logs are due in.
Upbeat Assembly
We are having a special assembly this morning led by the children who have been in the ‘Upbeat’ enrichment activity this half-term.