Decorate an Egg Competition
Lots of egg-cellent ideas for this years competition!
Finding Area
In maths, we have been finding areas of compound shapes.
Making Our Easter Cards
This afternoon we have been artistic and made our Easter cards!
Solar Eclipse
A great end to 'British Science Week' has seen us witness the solar eclipse (from behind a lot of cloud) - the temperature dropped and it appeared to be much darker!
British Science Week
As part of 'British Science Week' we have been carrying out lots of fun experiments - some tricking our brains; others just messy!!!
Ask Year 6 all about them...
Flash Bang Science Bus Part 2
The second group are now extracting DNA from kiwi fruits.
Flash Bang Science Bus
Half of Year 6 are learning about DNA on the 'Flash Bang Science Bus'...
Crazy Caterpillars
Year 6 have been looking at adaptation in 'British Science Week'. We pretended to be birds hunting caterpillars...
Which were easiest to find and why? (Ask a Year 6)
Strutting Our Stuff...
Dancing with the P.E. Specialist from Kearsley Academy.