Love themed pop up prayer space
On Valentines Day the children will have access to a pop up prayer space within the school hall to help carry on their conversation with God. The children will be encouraged to close their eyes, slowly suck on their chosen love heart sweet and use this time to reflect upon a loved one, continuing…
Revision Packs
Please look out for these packs that are coming home with your child tonight. They contain past SATs papers which have been completed in class and can now be used to aid revision.
Crucial Crew
Some more of the activities we took part in such as First Aid.
Crucial Crew
Fantastic morning learning about how to stay safe as they become more independent.
Mini Enterprise Week
Preparation is underway in Year 6 at the start of our enterprise journey.
Spellings for the week ahead. To be tested Wednesday 13th February.
Year 6 have worked with their Reception buddy improving cutting and sticking skills to make Chinese dragon pictures.
Safer Internet Day
We have been discussing what is meant by ‘consent’ and ‘permission’. Then we completed a quiz to explore what organisations have permission to do with our personal information online.
NSPCC Number Day
To start off the day the children are using their number as a target number to practise the four operations and BIDMAS