Life Cycles
Year 5 have been doing some group work this afternoon on life cycles of insects and amphibians. We have also been observing our caterpillars in class. They have grown a lot over the weekend!
Furry friends
We have some new members of year 5 this week. As part of our new topic, Lifecycles, we are learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. So we have some real caterpillars that we can observe over the next couple of weeks and watch them turn into beautiful butterflies.
Non-uniform day reminder
Just a reminder that it is non-uniform day tomorrow! In exchange for a donation of a bottle children can wear their own clothes.
Non uniform day reminder!
Just a reminder that it is non uniform day tomorrow. We are asking for donations of toys for the Summer fair.
Thank you.
Pillowcase project
This afternoon we have been taking part in The Red Cross Pillowcase Project. Children have been learning about weather disasters in the UK and thinking about what they would do in that situation. We decorated pillowcases that we could fill with important things in the event of a weather…
Father's Day gifts
Father's Day gifts are available to buy for £1.50.
Thank you.
Non uniform day
It is non uniform day this Friday (9th June). In exchange for wearing their own clothes we ask that children bring a (new) toy for the toy stall at the Summer fair.
New timetable
This term our PE days have changed slightly. We will have PE on a Monday morning and the children will have PE on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Townsend.
Please ensure that full kits are in school.
Thank you.
Homework & spellings
This weeks spellings. The children have English and Maths homework to complete over half term. Homework is to be returned on 9th June.
Non-Uniform Day 26.5.2017
It is non-uniform day tomorrow (Friday 26th May). Children can come in their own clothes for a donation of £1, which will help us raise funds for the Summer Fair.
A themed song to get Year 5's creative juices flowing...
Thanks for a great morning of sculpture in the style of Hundertwasser.