A week of inspirational poetry
After our successful learning using Wordsworth's 'Daffodil' poem we have now moved our attention to Emily Dickinson's poem 'Hope'. To enable the children to show their knowledge of figurative language I have asked the children to recreate Dickinson's poem as a comic strip. I can't wait to share…
Charles Dickens
The children have got into role and taken it in turn to interview Charles Dickens.
Spellings for spelling assessment 20th September
If your child is experiencing any difficulties with the spellings aim to learn 10 and increase gradually over the coming weeks. thank you in advance.
Meet the teacher night
Don't forget that this Thursday is our meet the teacher evening and I know most of you already know me but it is a great opportunity to see your child's new classroom and to get involved in working towards your child's (and the school's) key priorities for the year. More details about the session…
Thank you
The children made a great start to the year and I'm looking forward to stretching their brains!