Love themed pop up prayer space
On Valentines Day the children will have access to a pop up prayer space within the school hall to help carry on their conversation with God. The children will be encouraged to close their eyes, slowly suck on their chosen love heart sweet and use this time to reflect upon a loved one, continuing…
Sleep well...ready for the big sales pitch
Tomorrow is the big "pitching " assembly as part of our mini enterprise Week. We have devised a high octane performance to really sell our faulknite pencils. To make the pitch incredibly memorable we have decided to become a flash mob dance party with hair styles that mirror that of our product.…
Prototypes courtesy of the Wilde Family
Fabulous examples of teamwork today to form a tricky product
Printing for the sole...
We created our own template after our sole tutorial using styrofoam and printing inks. I'm sure you'll agree the effect is very pleasing to the eye, mind and soul.