Bikeability Week
Building on from last week's bike maintenance course the children will be undertaking their cycling proficiency course. The children will hopefully progress from stage 1 to stage 2 which will be completed the following day. Good luck everyone and don't forget your helmet.
A bumper harvest
Thank you for your kindness., your wonderful gifts will now be dispersed throughout our local community to those most in need.
Harvest Worship
This year, Year 5 will be leading our harvest worship over in school. Everyone is invited to come and join in our act of worship this Thursday at 9am in Church. I would like to thank you in advance for your kind donations of non perishable food for the local food bank .
This time next week we'll be back...
Next week we'll be going on our epic voyage and first residential without parents for some. Please take the weekend to enjoy the sun and make sure you have all the clothes and footwear that you need unfortunately the latest weather update is rain. If you have mislaid the kit list or feel the…
Preparation for our feelings poem
Excellent vocabulary extension from our emotionally intelligent class. Next week we'll be getting in touch with some of these feelings as we work to create a masterpiece like Emily Dickinson and William Wordsworth.
Rugby rebels....
Raising the profile of PE with our expert rugby tuition
Grasmere news
Lots of children are very excited about their forthcoming residential to Grasmere, tomorrow night during the meet the teacher session at six o'clock I will take the opportunity to discuss the finer details of Grasmere with the parents, including handing out the essential kit list. I'm looking…