This week’s spellings, please practice ready for your spelling test next Monday.
Learning log
Your child will bring home a learning log that needs to be completed and back in school on the 16th December.
Thank you for your continued support.
Poetry recital
Year 4 did a fantastic job reading out their poem about WWII to the whole school.
Be smart on the internet
We have been looking at different ways to keep safe whilst online. Ask your child about how they keep themselves safe.
Spellings to be tested on 30/09/2019. Don’t forget to write your sentence for each spelling.
Thank you for your continued support
Spellings to be tested on Monday 23rd September. Don’t forget to write a sentence for each of your spellings.
Single clause sentences
This morning we are working hard in English to link two single clause sentences together using conjunctions.
Multiplication Assessment
Your child’s multiplication assessment from today will be coming home with them this evening so that you can look at the areas that need working on.
Thank you for your continued support.