Famous People in Year 2
Today we had a special visit from Steve Irwin who told us all about himself!
London in 1666
We have finally finished our 3D models of the houses from the Great Fire of London. We think they look brilliant, don't you agree?
Our spellings for next week. For the next couple of weeks everyone will be having the same spellings. We have taken the words that the children frequently get incorrect and will be using these as our spellings. Thank you.
Maths Week
As part of Maths week we have been busy recording the temperatures around school.
The Great Fire of London
How good do our Great Fire of London silhouettes look!
Pointillism Painting
Today we have been working in the style of our artist, Georges Seurat. Can you tell what we are making?
Number Bonds and their related facts
Today we have beeen using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to make our number bonds to 100.
The Great Fire of London
Over the past couple of days we have been working with a friend to sequence and retell the events from the Fire of London.