Bird Watch Monday
We DIDN'T see any parakeets in Kearsley but we saw lots of other birds today. All classes went on walkabout (most of them managed to dodge the rain) to gather data for the Great British Bird Watch. Why not ask your child what they saw.
Enrichment - Construction
It was great to see children of all ages working together and getting creative with our construction kits during Friday afternoon's Enrichment session.
Enrichment - Computing
Just look at the concentration on the faces of children in Computing - one of our Friday afternoon 'Enrichment Activities'.
Top Table
Well done to last week's Star Award winners. I enjoyed your company at Top Table.
Enrichment - The St Stephen's Egg Off
The STEM enrichment activity today - who could protect the egg the best? Two winners pictured on the right. Lots of fun had by everyone!
Lunch with Prestolee VIPs.
The School Councils from St Stephen's and Prestolee met for lunch today. They had a tour of the playground and the Eco Garden and shared ideas for improving playground activities and resources. Our children were perfect hosts and the Prestolee children were perfect guests.
Late Lunch!
Apologies to all my guests on last Friday's Top Table. The eight Star Award winners desreved to have their photograph published straight away - but I forgot. Better late than never!