There's a Book Fair in Town
The Book Fair will be open after school until next Monday. As usual, there is a fantastic collection of old favourites and new titles - why not call in over the next few days? What better treat for someone with a glowing report at Parents' Evening?
Would You Like Salad With That?
We're all about healthy eating at St Stephen's. In addition to a choice of nutritious meals at lunchtime children can visit the salad bar - to be expertly served by highly trained pupils!
I Counted Them All Out...........
....and I counted them all back again! For Year 5 it's been all about the bikes today - learning about safe cycling as part of the Bikeability training programme. 'Part Two' is next Tuesday.
Football Pitch not a Car Park!
Now that the traffic situation on Bent Spur Road has returned to something like normal - we no longer require the top yard as an overspill car park and Key Stage 2 have got their football pitch back. Gives me a chance to talent spot through the office window during breaktimes - and keep Roy…
Vote for Aidan - He's a Good Egg!
One of our pupils has been shortlisted in the Bolton News 'Design an Egg' competition and he needs YOUR votes! Voting lines are open until midnight on Thursday 10th March and you can vote by phoning 0901 151 0479 OR by texting BNEGG (leave a space) 0479. Come on - get voting and let's help turn…
Boys Who Lunch
It was an all male affair on the top table. (We DID have one Star Award winning girl last week but she wasn't in today). As always - a great way to end the week!
The Magic Door
One for the children - WHERE is this door and WHAT'S behind it?