Repeated Addition
Today we have started to learn about repeated addition. We worked in groups to make 'lots of' and then worked out the total.
On Monday we will be going outside, as part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, to see what birds we can find and count them. Please can every child bring a pair of wellies into school as they could get muddy! Thank you.
These are the spellings for next week's test. Thank you for your continued support.
Shape Dectectives
Today we had been looking at and investigating 3D shapes.
PE Kits
Please ensure your child has their full PE kit, including pumps or trainers, in school everyday.
Next week's spellings
Today we have done our first spelling test. Tonight we will be bringing him a new set of spellings for next Friday's test. On the list you will see a score out of ten. This is what your child got in today's test. Thank you.
Our new Topic Books
We've had lots of fun looking at our new Topic books from the library. Why don't you ask us about them.
Predicting and Measuring
Today we have had to predict how heavy some everyday objects are and then we used the scales to weigh them.
Spelling Test
Next Friday Year 1 will have their first spelling test. Tonight they will bring home a set of 10 words. These words need to be learnt at home over the next week. We have grouped the children into two groups, white and green. Your child is in the group which matches the colour paper their…