Let's Go Fly a Kite!
Reception and Year 6 are working together to plan, design and make a kite to fly on our trip on Friday.
Let's Go Fly a Kite!
Year 6 and reception are working together to plan, design and build kites to fly on our join trip on Friday.
Magistrates workshop part 2
Court is now in session. Year 6 are role playing the case of Jonny and Sally Smith and learning about how the magistrates courts work.
Puzzling Maths
We are doing lots of discussing and looking at lots of methods to solve 'real-life' problems this morning. Ask us all about it!
Painting Pebbles
We are painting pebbles for the reflection area of the Eco-garden.
Magistrates Workshop
This morning we are lucky enough to be partaking in the first part of the magistrates workshop. We are finding out about different types of crimes, witness statements and the workings of the court.
Planting For Y6
Our 'Chief Gardener' has got us under way with growing chillies in the poly-tunnel of our eco-garden.