Well we're finally at the week which Year 2 parents dread...SATs week!  Well instead of lots of tests, let's see how much fun, practical learning we can do.  Make sure you keep checking Dojo for daily ideas and don't forget to send me your photos of what you've done!  As always we have work on Bug Club, TTRS and Study Ladder.  I'm so impressed by how many of you are achieving certificates on Study Ladder, make sure you keep checking Dojo to see if you have one!

Here's some more ideas for this week,

Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ this is the link to this week's Maths work which is linked directly to what we would be doing if we were all in school.  You could also display your times tables around your house and see if you can recite and answer them.  Have you shown your grown ups our Super Movers dances!  I think you should! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-collection/z6v4scw  My favourite is Bridget the Lionness, which do you like?

English - I'm starting to run out of stories to read, can anyone write me one please? I'd like an exciting story with lots of 2A, LIST and Simile sentences.  If you send them to me, I'll share them for your friends to read too.

Art - to help us relax after our morning tests we had planned to do lots of printing this week.  You could still try this at home. Can you make a picture by printing? You could use potatoes to make shapes, leaves, empty packets or anything else you can think of!