Today should be the start of our Summer term, but unfortunately we're all still working from home. I'm very impressed by some of the work that's been taking place over what should have been the Easter holidays.  I've had lots of lovely photos in Class Dojo and lots of certificates and trophies have been achieved on Study Ladder, well done everyone!

Along with Bug Club, Study Ladder and TTRS here's some more ideas to help get you through the next week.

English - write a thank you letter for any Easter eggs you received or write a letter to a friend who you haven't seen for a while and ask your grown-up if you can post it on your daily walk. 

Maths - go on a number hunt when you're getting your daily exercise. Can you find all of the numbers up to 100? We should be starting our work on 'Position and Direction' this week, but you could try it at home.  Make a grid and direct one of your toys around it or if you've got space outside use some chalk and draw a massive grid, then take it in turns to direct each other around it.  Use words like forwards, backwards, left, right, half turn, quarter turn and three quarter turn.  If you get really good you could even add some obstacles to your grid that you have to go around!

Music - can you learn a song or poem to help you learn how many days are in each month? 

PE - ask a grown-up to help you find some of our KooKoo Kanga dances on YouTube and have a dancing competition.  My favourites are 'Awesome Rainbows' and 'Dinosaur Stomp'.