As part of our weekly PE programme we will be undertaking meta fit which promotes SAQs (speed, agility, quickness) which is fundamental to progress in any sport undertaken by our children. The meta fit programme will run alongside our expert coaching sessions on a Tuesday. This term we have also been selected to take part in extra rugby tuition on a Wednesday. As a healthy body leads to a healthy mind the children will need to ensure they have their kits in school on a Tuesday, Wednesday and a Thursday. We try to use the outside grounds as much as possible so trainers are essential on these days. As part of our PE programme and PSHE scheme the children will also be undertaking a certificate in cycling known as  'Bikeability' which will commence over two days in early October. Hopefully this key focus on fitness will really help boost health and achievement in school ( and also that we all reach the top of the tarn when we visit Grasmere)