When we return to school after the half term break we will be commencing our new historical challenge which builds upon learning and skills discovered in our Great Fire of London challenge. This term we will be looking at famous historical figures. My aim is that the children will research a historical person of interest and then in the coming weeks present their research to the class in the form of a short 2 minute presentation that may take the form of a song, poem, reading a report (or facts), preparing an artwork etc whilst dressed in character to really bring our history topic alive. Obviously this is advanced notice because I am aware that there is an expectation to wear costumes for World Book Day so perhaps there is an opportunity to combine the two and really get your money's worth for example Mary Poppins could double up as a Suffragette, an astronaut / spaceman could easily be Neil Armstrong, or alternatively your fabulous pirate outfits from the Autumn term could be reused for an infamous pirate like Blackbeard. Please remind your child that over half term is a perfect time to start collecting your ideas and research. Please remember to look at the class page and the blog as I will post presentation dates soon. Thank you in advance